The shooting of Anthony Vargas is one of two lawsuits targeting the Banditos in East L.A. Court documents allege membersContinue Reading
The shooting of Anthony Vargas is one of two lawsuits targeting the Banditos in East L.A. Court documents allege membersContinue Reading
Cross-examination is about obtaining results and telling the story, not just impeaching the witness What is cross-examination? Most lawyers wouldContinue Reading
The shooting of Anthony Vargas is one of two lawsuits targeting the Banditos in East L.A. Court documents allege membersContinue Reading
This is a man from a group of humans, (police officers) that we as civilians are supposed to trust toContinue Reading
When a body worn video shows something that helps an officer they immediately release such video. on the other hand,Continue Reading
The family of a schizophrenic man who died last month at Theo Lacy jail in Orange filed a $5 millionContinue Reading
Anthony Vargas was shot 13 times on the back of his body Aug. 12, 2018, including two shots to theContinue Reading
Anthony Vargas murió en agosto de 2018 tras recibir varios disparos por parte de agentes en el este de laContinue Reading
According to preliminary reports, the young Daniel Anthony Vargas died at the hands of officers of the sheriff's office, whoContinue Reading
This is another lawsuit my law firm filed against the LA County and the Sheriff deputies that shot Anthony VargasContinue Reading